Incontinence, bladder leakage, wetting yourself.

Whatever you call it, leaking urine can be a major disruption to your life.

Scared to exercise. Constantly hunting for toilets. Sick of wearing pads. You just can’t trust your bladder. Can you relate?

When it  stops you from exercising, you lose muscle tone, gain weight and feel unfit. Your self-esteem drops, your confidence is down the drain, and it can even hinder your sex life.

There is no reason to just accept it! It can almost always be helped or resolved with pelvic floor physiotherapy. Getting the right exercises is crucial though – as doing the wrong exercises can actually make the problem worse.

Let’s say you have tried pelvic floor exercises before without success. You’ve learnt them off the internet, or from what someone’s told you. You’ve never had an internal assessment by a pelvic floor physio. Well, you haven’t actually had a fair trial!

So maybe you’re doing them wrong. Don’t get down on yourself – how were you to know? If everyone was doing them right, pelvic floor physiotherapists wouldn’t exist! So come and take advantage of our expertise.

But let’s get real. Much of the time the problem is that you just haven’t been doing them. Maybe you’ve been checked and you know you’re doing them right, but you just never seem to remember!


Read my articles on tips for sticking with your pelvic floor exercises, why you shouldn’t do them at red traffic lights, and how singing can be a pelvic floor exercise.

Certain types of exercise can make incontinence worse. But don’t use this as an excuse to exercise. And it doesn’t have to be just walking or swimming! You might like to read what I’ve written about the ten least boring types of exercise that are safe for your pelvic floor.


Start sticking with your pelvic floors. Make this as specific as any other important commitment in your diary. To make it easier, download my pelvic floor exercise routine audio.


To cut to the chase and make an appointment to start getting the problem sorted, click here.


To fill out the questionnaire we need before your appointment, click here.


  • 9 Riverview Place, Yeronga QLD 4104, Australia
  • (07) 3277 0226


Mon 9am - 5pm
Tues 9am - 5pm
Wed Closed
Thurs 9am - 5pm
Fri 9am - 5pm

The A to Z of Your Pelvis

Learn all there is to know about pelvic symptoms and conditions