Vaginal Dryness: The Six Key Areas You Need to Focus On

  • Good hormone levels.

Vaginal dryness can be caused by low oestrogen. Oestrogen promotes strong and healthy tissue in the vulva. It also promotes good levels of vaginal lactobacilli (see above). In women of fertile age, it promotes production of mucus by the cervix at certain times of your cycle, which produces a normal discharge. At other times of month, the vaginal walls can produce a different type of normal vaginal discharge, which is a sign of a healthy, balanced vagina. Withdrawal of oestrogen (for example, at menopause or with prolonged breastfeeding) can therefore lead to a feeling of vaginal dryness, as well as increased vulnerability of the tissue to micro-tearing and trauma, especially with intercourse.

  • Good balance of vaginal flora.

Vaginal dryness can occur with an imbalance of vaginal flora. A normal, healthy vagina contains good amounts of beneficial flora, especially certain strains of lactobacilli. Lactobacillus bacteria produce the protective ‘’acid mantle’’, or the normal protective coating on the vaginal walls, which increases resistance to infection, but also makes the vagina feel less dry, sensitive or ‘’stingy’’.

  • Nutrients for formation of healthy skin.

Vaginal dryness can actually by dryness of the internal tissue. Like any tissue, the lining of the vagina (epithelium) is constantly healing and changing, as part of normal cell ‘’turnover’’. Specific nutrients are essential for this, including vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, protein, zinc and essential fatty acids. A lack of any of these nutrients (which is surprisingly common) can make the vagina feel dry, irritated, chafed or prone to microtrauma (tiny cuts or grazes).

  • Healthy thoughts, emotions and libido.

Stress promotes what is called the ‘’sympathetic response’’ of the nervous system. This works against producing healthy moisture with arousal, and acts as a very effective block against libido , so that you’re less likely to be in a situation of sexual arousal in the first place!

  • Lots of healthy sexual stimulation.

Sexual stimulation that feels good and right for you is the key component in your body’s production of vaginal fluids, which work as a natural lubricant. Sometimes, just taking more time on this, focusing on what is really feeling right for you, helps a lot. Even in situations where there are other factors at play, neglecting to spend enough time on this can contribute to penetration being uncomfortable.

  • A really good natural lubricant.

A great lubricant can make things feel a lot better. Most lubricants contain petroleum derivatives and/or other unnatural chemicals. These can cause reactions in some women, and are best avoided. A natural, organic lubricant is a wonderful help.

Contact us for individual evaluation of the factors contributing to your vaginal dryness.


  • 9 Riverview Place, Yeronga QLD 4104, Australia
  • (07) 3277 0226


Mon 9am - 5pm
Tues 9am - 5pm
Wed Closed
Thurs 9am - 5pm
Fri 9am - 5pm